18th January 2025

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Serving the people of Brigstock

Share your views on the draft public safety plan for Northamptonshire

Share your views on the draft public safety plan for Northamptonshire

We are asking you to help shape the strategic priorities for policing over the next five years by giving your views on the draft public safety plan for the county.

The draft strategic plan – called Safe and Sound – has been set out by Danielle Stone, the Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, following an extensive public consultation earlier this year.

This plan puts communities at the heart of each of three strategic priorities for police - and fire - services over the next five years:

  • visible and accessible community services
  • professionalism and standards
  • stronger public safety partnerships.

You can read the draft public safety plan by clicking here.

The survey also asks people to say how much extra, if any, they are willing to pay on the policing precept – the part of their council tax used to fund local police services. More details can be found on the OPFCC website here.

We would very much like your help by giving your opinions on the plan, which sets the strategic direction for policing and which will inform the Chief Constable's policing plan - and the level of council tax precept for police and fire next year.

The consultation closes at 11.59pm on Sunday 5 January 2025.

Thank you and we look forward to hearing your views on the plan.

Posted: Thu, 5 Dec 2024

Tags: Police