Brigstock Neighbourhood Plan: Consultation and Engagement
The Consultation Statement demonstrates how we engaged the community and others in shaping the development of the Brigstock Neighbourhood Plan. Further details are set out below.
Brigstock Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement
Brigstock Neighbourhood Plan: Pre-Submission version
As required under Part 5, Section 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, Brigstock Parish Council undertook a six-week pre-submission consultation on the proposed Neighbourhood Plan. Brigstock Parish Council publicised the draft neighbourhood plan to all those that live, work, or do business within the parish and provided a variety of mechanisms to both view the plan and to make representations. A copy of the Pre-Submission Draft of the Neighbourhood Development Plan was made available to download, along with supporting documentation, on the Parish Council website. A paper copy of the Draft Neighbourhood Plan was also made available from parish Council Clerk and the local tea rooms/newsagents (no community library available). A summary of the Draft Plan was delivered to all premises within the Parish. In addition, an open Drop-in Session was held on 5th September 2017 at Brigstock Village Hall during the hours of 7pm to 8.30pm. This provided an opportunity to examine the contents of the Plan and to discuss in detail with members of the Brigstock Neighbourhood Planning Committee.
ENC, Brigstock Neighbourhood Plan: Pre-submission Version (PDF, 1.5 Mb)
Brigstock Neighbourhood Plan: Pre-submission Version
ENC, Brigstock Neighbourhood Plan: Pre-submission Version (PDF, 1.5 Mb)
Brigstock Neighbourhood Plan: Pre-submission Version Summary
ENC, Community Consultation Poster (PDF, 566 Kb)
Community Consultation Poster
2017 Parish-Wide Questionnaire and Open Meeting
In April 2017 Brigstock Parish Council distributed a questionnaire seeking views on a number of housing issues, including how much housing to plan for and potential development sites. To help complete this questionnaire a drop in session was arranged for 23 April 2017.
Questionnaire response tally chart (PDF, 333 Kb)
Questionnaire response tally chart
Questionnaire (PDF, 85 Kb)
2017 Questionnaire
ENC, Consultation Poster (PDF, 386 Kb)
Brigstock Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Poster
2016 Parish-Wide Questionnaire
In January 2016 Brigstock Parish Council distributed a questionnaire to all households and businesses in the parish, inviting people to set out their views on development in the parish. Opportunity was given to provide comment and opinion on a number of issues.
ENC. Questionnaire (PDF, 650 Kb)
Community Questionnaire
Questionnaire Questionnaire Results (PDF, 639 Kb)
Questioner Results
2015 Stakeholder Workshop
To support the development of the Brigstock Neighbourhood Plan a workshop was arranged. The aim of the event was to raise awareness of the Plan, identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, and to contribute to the core evidence base for the Plan and to help inform the ongoing consultation and engagement process required to produce the plan. The Parish Council developed a comprehensive list of stakeholder contacts who were invited to the event, including statutory and local amenity groups, a varied mix of infrastructure providers, parish council, councillors, developers, local clubs and interest groups and landowners. A total of 48 organisations/groups were invited.
Stakeholder meeting output
2015 Open Meeting and Exhibition
On 20 September 2015, an open meeting and exhibition was held to inform local people about the neighbourhood plan process and receive views on the key issues that the Plan needs to address.
ENC Open meeting responses (PDF, 148 Kb)
Open meeting responses
2015 Questionnaire Survey
This was the first consultation stage in the process of preparing the Brigstock Neighbourhood Plan. Brigstock Parish Council prepared an article and questionnaire which was published within the summer edition of the Brigstock News magazine. The questionnaire was designed to gather views on the key issues in the parish relating to the current and future position on housing, employment and the local environment. It sought views on what 3 things residents and stakeholders would like to preserve and then the 3 things they disliked and would to see changed or developed.
Initial questionnaire responses (PDF, 390 Kb)
Initial questionnaire responses